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Article on tag "bonds"

Inflation, interest rates, markets: 10 topics for 2024
Inflation, interest rates, markets: 10 topics for 2024
(c) unsplash

Inflation, interest rates, markets: 10 topics for 2024

After the price rally at the end of last year, the markets started 2024 with price losses. The ongoing positive correlation between bonds and equities is striking. Both asset classes have fallen equally recently, which makes diversification in a portfolio more difficult. But the year has only just begun. We therefore take a look at 10 key topics for 2024 that could be helpful when putting together a portfolio.

Stock markets review: Hopes for interest rate cuts fuelled significant gains in 2023
Stock markets review: Hopes for interest rate cuts fuelled significant gains in 2023
(c) Arne Dedert / dpa /

Stock markets review: Hopes for interest rate cuts fuelled significant gains in 2023

The international stock markets closed out 2023 with significant gains. Hopes of abating inflationary pressure and declining interest rates were the main market drivers in Q4, resulting in a strong year for stock exchanges.

Best of Charts: What’s coming, what’s going, what’s staying?
Best of Charts: What’s coming, what’s going, what’s staying?
(c) unsplash

Best of Charts: What’s coming, what’s going, what’s staying?

After a weak market year in 2022, 2023 is shaping up to be a pleasing conclusion for investors. Senior Fund Manager Christian Süttinger explains what remains of this year and what could be of particular interest on the markets in 2024 with the help of a few currently important charts.

Capital markets outlook 2024: good opportunities in the US election year
Capital markets outlook 2024: good opportunities in the US election year
(c) Barbara Dür

Capital markets outlook 2024: good opportunities in the US election year

After a difficult market year in 2022, many asset classes performed much better this year. The outlook for the coming year 2024 is also positive – the central banks’ turnaround in interest rates has brought about a return to normality on the bond market and, with the rise in yields, is also opening up new opportunities for investors. At the same time, the ongoing geopolitical tensions in particular pose a challenge. With the improved yield opportunities for bonds, mixed funds are also coming back into focus.

How restrictive are the current interest rate policy and financial environment really?
How restrictive are the current interest rate policy and financial environment really?

How restrictive are the current interest rate policy and financial environment really?

In line with the surprisingly strong economic indicators in the US, government bond yields have risen significantly in recent months. This is putting pressure on the prices of many classes of securities and intensifying discussions about how restrictive interest rate policy really is. Could the higher level of yields make the central bank’s job easier in the form of further interest rate hikes?

Investing in the bond market – the charm of short maturities
Investing in the bond market – the charm of short maturities
(c) pexels

Investing in the bond market – the charm of short maturities

When should one invest one’s capital in the bond market and which maturity would currently be favourable? These questions are not so easy to answer and depend, among other things, on the preferences of the respective investor. In our recent blog, expert Johann Griener gives an insight into the current market environment and clarifies the most important questions about bonds and maturity.