Erste Asset Management

538 results for the topic "Markets"


Members of OPEC+ plan to further cut oil production
Members of OPEC+ plan to further cut oil production
(c) pexels

Members of OPEC+ plan to further cut oil production

The OPEC+ oil association was unable to agree on official production cuts at its meeting last Thursday. However, individual member states announced plans for cuts. In a joint statement after the meeting, the more than twenty OPEC+ states also announced that Brazil would join the production alliance at the beginning of next year.

Surprise result in the Dutch elections
Surprise result in the Dutch elections
(c) pexels

Surprise result in the Dutch elections

After around a year, the Dutch government under Prime Minister Rutte collapsed in the summer of 2023 due to disagreement over migration policy. It came as a surprise that long-serving Prime Minister Rutte decided not to stand again in the next elections. After more than thirteen years in office, making him the longest-serving prime minister […]

Can China’s economy still be revived after the slowdown?
Can China’s economy still be revived after the slowdown?
(c) unsplash

Can China’s economy still be revived after the slowdown?

According to Covid, growth in the Chinese economy is lower than expected and the willingness to invest and consume is declining. The real estate market is also adjusting after the boom years. What short- and long-term measures does the central government intend to take to revive the economy?

More Optimistic Outlook for German Economy among Experts
More Optimistic Outlook for German Economy among Experts
(c) unsplash

More Optimistic Outlook for German Economy among Experts

Stock market professionals are less pessimistic about the prospects for the German economy in the next six months. This is shown by the current economic barometer of the Center for European Economic Research (ZEW). The government also wants to get the economy moving again with additional relief measures.

Encouraging fall in inflation
Encouraging fall in inflation
(c) pexels

Encouraging fall in inflation

Since the beginning of November the prices of both risky security classes such as equities and credit-safe government bonds have been on the rise. The market appears to be increasingly pricing in a so-called “soft” landing for the economy. The probability of this actually increased over the course of the year. However, the economic data published in recent weeks and months does not contradict the “hard” landing scenario.

Soft-landing optimism might be in for some disappointment
Soft-landing optimism might be in for some disappointment
(c) unsplash

Soft-landing optimism might be in for some disappointment

The financial environment has become slightly more relaxed since the beginning of November. This fact is manifesting itself on the market in the form of falling yields and rising share prices. This week, two indicators relating to the US economy in particular could provide clues as to the sustainability of this trend since the beginning of the month: retail sales and consumer prices.

Middle East Conflict continues: worries about expansion to other countries
Middle East Conflict continues: worries about expansion to other countries
(c) unsplash

Middle East Conflict continues: worries about expansion to other countries

Roughly two weeks after the surprising terrorist attacks by the radical Islamic Hamas ruling the Gaza Strip, on targets in Israel, the military conflict in the country continues unabated. The war in the region also continues to dominate the financial and commodity markets, with global concerns that the conflict could possibly spread to other countries in the Middle East being the main driver of uncertainty.