Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

573 results for the topic "Markets"


Miracle drug semaglutide: slim by injection
Miracle drug semaglutide: slim by injection
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Miracle drug semaglutide: slim by injection

Originally, the Danish company Novo Nordisk wanted to develop Semaglutid as a drug for diabetes 2 patients. However, the appetite-reducing effect of the drug soon became apparent, making semaglutide a miracle cure for obesity. While Novo Nordisk’s share price has risen significantly since then, possible side effects of the drug are now also being examined.

Turnaround in the Energy Market: Power Companies Raise Forecasts, Oil Companies’ Profits Drop
Turnaround in the Energy Market: Power Companies Raise Forecasts, Oil Companies’ Profits Drop
(c) unsplash

Turnaround in the Energy Market: Power Companies Raise Forecasts, Oil Companies’ Profits Drop

The decline in crude oil prices has led to a trend reversal in the energy market this year: while many power companies have recently raised their profit forecasts, the major oil companies suffered massively from the recent drop in crude oil prices. Meanwhile, in the effort to reach climate targets, the trend toward renewable energies continues unabate

Microfinance – Fund Manager Martin Cech on an investor trip to Uzbekistan (Part II)
Microfinance – Fund Manager Martin Cech on an investor trip to Uzbekistan (Part II)
(c) unsplash

Microfinance – Fund Manager Martin Cech on an investor trip to Uzbekistan (Part II)

Microfinance fund manager Martin Cech recently went on an investor trip to Uzbekistan. While he wrote about the banks and microfinance institutions he visited in the first part of his travel report, he describes his impressions of the visits to some borrowers in the second part.