Currently, the most important indicators point to average global economic growth and falling inflation. The probability of an immediate recession has decreased significantly. But the risks in the medium term remain. Chief economist Gerhard Winzer explains which three scenarios are currently emerging in the blog post.

Miracle drug semaglutide: slim by injection
Originally, the Danish company Novo Nordisk wanted to develop Semaglutid as a drug for diabetes 2 patients. However, the appetite-reducing effect of the drug soon became apparent, making semaglutide a miracle cure for obesity. While Novo Nordisk’s share price has risen significantly since then, possible side effects of the drug are now also being examined.

Turnaround in the Energy Market: Power Companies Raise Forecasts, Oil Companies’ Profits Drop
The decline in crude oil prices has led to a trend reversal in the energy market this year: while many power companies have recently raised their profit forecasts, the major oil companies suffered massively from the recent drop in crude oil prices. Meanwhile, in the effort to reach climate targets, the trend toward renewable energies continues unabate
Microfinance – Fund Manager Martin Cech on an investor trip to Uzbekistan (Part II)
Microfinance fund manager Martin Cech recently went on an investor trip to Uzbekistan. While he wrote about the banks and microfinance institutions he visited in the first part of his travel report, he describes his impressions of the visits to some borrowers in the second part.

How high do key interest rates still climb?
Both the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve in the USA raised the key interest rate by 25 basis points last week. However, both central banks signalled that the end of the cycle is near – or may even have already been reached after the recent rate hikes.
Microfinance – Fund Manager Martin Cech on an investor trip to Uzbekistan (Part I)
Martin Cech, fund manager of ERSTE RESPONSIBLE MICROFINANCE, visited a number of banks and microfinance institutions from the fund’s portfolio during an investor trip to Uzbekistan. He reports on his impressions in the blog post.

Best of Charts: Beach Edition
The stock markets are also usually a little quieter during the summer months. Many market participants take a break due to holidays and the general activity decreases. In any case, a look at some important charts indicates that no nasty surprises are to be expected during the holidays.
Summer, sun & early election: Spain gets ready for a tight race
The Spanish economy is showing resilience, unlike other countries in the euro area. Now, however, the southern European country is preparing for early elections next weekend, with a tight race looming.
Immaculate disinflation: Is that possible?
Can price stability, i.e. inflation of 2%, be achieved without a recession? The further decline in inflation in the US in June has raised expectations for this favourable scenario. However, a look in the rear-view mirror calls for caution. In the past, a central bank-induced decline in inflation has often been accompanied by a recession.

Recession, inflation, key interest rates: Economic outlook for the second half of the year
The feared recession has so far failed to materialise and inflation is also falling. Nevertheless, the risks remain on the downside. What could be in store for the markets in the second half of the year?