Erste Asset Management

86 results for keyword "Sustainability"

Article on tag "Sustainability"

The miracle forest and why we need to protect it
The miracle forest and why we need to protect it

The miracle forest and why we need to protect it

The forest ecosystem is not only an important carbon store, but also a habitat for a variety of plants and creatures. In this interview, Robert Pröll, farmer, national park ranger, and speaker at this year’s sustainability conference, explains why we need to protect the “miracle of the forest” more than ever in the fight against the climate crisis.

Sustainable finance initiatives – a jumble of letters or effective multi-stakeholder approaches?
Sustainable finance initiatives – a jumble of letters or effective multi-stakeholder approaches?
(c) ViennaShots

Sustainable finance initiatives – a jumble of letters or effective multi-stakeholder approaches?

Sustainable finance is a dynamic process that aims to make the financial system sustainable. In his guest article, Michael Schmidt, member of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board of the German Federal Government, explains why the many different initiatives on the topic of sustainable finance are needed and which three points are necessary for the sustainable transformation of our financial system.

Climate Score: How we can identify sustainable leaders and laggards
Climate Score: How we can identify sustainable leaders and laggards
(c) pexels

Climate Score: How we can identify sustainable leaders and laggards

In order to further improve sustainable company analysis, the Responsible Investments team at Erste Asset Management developed the Climate Score last year. The score combines various environmental data to identify the sustainable leaders and laggards in each economic sector. Read the blog post to find out how the score works and what it can be used for.

Climate risks: Is climate change that bad?
Climate risks: Is climate change that bad?
(c) unsplash

Climate risks: Is climate change that bad?

This year’s September went down as the warmest in measurement history. Especially in our regions, it was a welcome extension of the summer for many. However, the warmer temperatures clearly show us the consequences of climate change. The risks this entails for the economy and companies and how we take these into account in our investment processes is the topic of our new ESGenius Letter.

Sustainable investments: fad or long-term trend?
Sustainable investments: fad or long-term trend?

Sustainable investments: fad or long-term trend?

With a view to the Ukraine war, the multiple regions of crisis or the extreme inflation, one would be forgiven for thinking that sustainability issues were taking a back seat when it came to investing. Gerold Permoser, Chief Investment Officer of Erste Asset Management, claims that this is not the case and that there is a lot of potential for investors. In a recent press talk, he and Heinz Bednar, CEO, presented five key drivers for ESG investments.

Sustainability and biodiversity: the strategy of voestalpine
Sustainability and biodiversity: the strategy of voestalpine
Copy right: voestalpine AG, Source:

Sustainability and biodiversity: the strategy of voestalpine

Climate and environmental protection are central elements of voestalpine’s sustainability strategy. The conservation-minded use of resources such as raw materials and energy along the entire production chain has been firmly anchored within the group for years. Minimising the environmental impact of processes and products also plays a central role, as Stefan Schuster, Group Environmental Management at voestalpine AG, writes in his guest article.

A Tale of Two Companies: Bayer’s Biodiversity Conundrum with Monsanto
A Tale of Two Companies: Bayer’s Biodiversity Conundrum with Monsanto
(c) Ohde Christian / Action Press /

A Tale of Two Companies: Bayer’s Biodiversity Conundrum with Monsanto

In 2018, Bayer acquired the US agrochemical and agricultural chemicals company Monsanto. However, the deal, valued at around USD 64 billion, raised a number of questions. As a result of the merger, Bayer has since found itself responsible for a number of controversial practices of the US company. This is associated not only with sustainability risks but also with a potential risk of billions through various class actions.