Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

10 results for keyword "OECD"

Article on tag "OECD"

How to combine yield with sustainability factors
How to combine yield with sustainability factors
(c) Unsplash

How to combine yield with sustainability factors

The issue of ESG is stronger in our consciousness than ever before. In recent years, many measurable indicators have emerged on environmental aspects. Social commitment and good corporate governance are more difficult to quantify. Are these factors even detectable and measurable for a meaningful evaluation?

US election campaign entering hot phase: decision in the midst of the crisis
US election campaign entering hot phase: decision in the midst of the crisis
© Morry Gash / POOL / AFP /

US election campaign entering hot phase: decision in the midst of the crisis

In the midst of the corona crisis, following the first TV debate and US president Donald Trump’s infection with the corona virus, the race for the US presidential office enters its critical phase. In nationwide opinion polls, Democratic candidate Joe Biden is currently ahead of Republican incumbent Trump.