Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

16 results for keyword "key interest rate"

Article on tag "key interest rate"

What is the key interest rate?
What is the key interest rate?
(c) VISUM / Visum /

What is the key interest rate?

Ahead of the ECB’s upcoming interest rate decision, there is much discussion about the central banks’ interest rate policy and the key interest rate – will it be lowered or not? Its development has a significant influence on the economy and the financial markets. In this article, we discuss the role of the key interest rate and which interest rates are relevant.

Best of Charts: News from the inflation
Best of Charts: News from the inflation

Best of Charts: News from the inflation

Even though inflation has weakened recently, it remains an important topic for private individuals as well as for companies and the markets. What might happen next in terms of inflation and how long will the restrictive monetary policy stay with us? A look at some important financial charts will shed some light on this.

Silicon Valley Bank – Impact on the Stock Markets
Silicon Valley Bank – Impact on the Stock Markets

Silicon Valley Bank – Impact on the Stock Markets

The turbulences surrounding the US Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) are currently keeping the markets busy. After the bank was closed last Friday, a comprehensive package of measures followed over the weekend to avoid possible consequences. In this blog post, the experts of our Investment Division explain what exactly happened and how they assess the situation.

Review and outlook: “2022 turned out to be a tough year for equities”
Review and outlook: “2022 turned out to be a tough year for equities”

Review and outlook: “2022 turned out to be a tough year for equities”

On the stock markets, the year 2022 was characterized by high uncertainties and volatility. Tamás Menyhárt, senior fund manager at Erste Asset Management and equity expert, therefore draws an initial summary of the stock market year and ventures an outlook for the coming months on the markets.

Reduction in the pace of key interest rate increases
Reduction in the pace of key interest rate increases
(c) unsplash

Reduction in the pace of key interest rate increases

More and more central banks are signalling a reduction in the pace at which they are raising key interest rates. However, as Chief Economist Gerhard Winzer explains, this does not necessarily mean that central banks are softening their focus on fighting inflation. Rather, a pause in the rate hike cycle would require a change in inflation dynamics.