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11 results for keyword "IMF"

Article on tag "IMF"

Global economic slump less severe than expected, but still the worst recession in decades, according to IMF
Global economic slump less severe than expected, but still the worst recession in decades, according to IMF
(C) IMF Photograph / Stephen Jaffe

Global economic slump less severe than expected, but still the worst recession in decades, according to IMF

According to current forecasts by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the global economy should be able to handle the consequences of the corona pandemic somewhat better than has been feared. In its eagerly awaited global economic outlook for this year, the IMF now expects global economic output to decline by only 4.4 per cent. The IMF has thus adjusted its last forecast from June by 0.5 percentage points.

My impressions from IMF meeting in Washington:  Emerging markets “alive and kicking”
My impressions from IMF meeting in Washington: Emerging markets “alive and kicking”
Jose Luis Magana / AP /

My impressions from IMF meeting in Washington: Emerging markets “alive and kicking”

The spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund was held in Washington from 20 to 23 April. This event was the reason for an investor conference that I attended in order to get an idea of the status quo of the global economy as well as of risks and opportunities.