Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

120 results for keyword "USA"

Article on tag "USA"

Middle East Conflict continues: worries about expansion to other countries
Middle East Conflict continues: worries about expansion to other countries
(c) unsplash

Middle East Conflict continues: worries about expansion to other countries

Roughly two weeks after the surprising terrorist attacks by the radical Islamic Hamas ruling the Gaza Strip, on targets in Israel, the military conflict in the country continues unabated. The war in the region also continues to dominate the financial and commodity markets, with global concerns that the conflict could possibly spread to other countries in the Middle East being the main driver of uncertainty.

Market commentary: Is the interest rate peak reached?
Market commentary: Is the interest rate peak reached?

Market commentary: Is the interest rate peak reached?

“Higher for longer” has become the mantra of the powerful central bankers in recent months. Monetary policy is likely to remain restrictive longer than originally expected. Regardless of whether the major central banks will follow up with a final interest rate step in autumn, the interest rate peak has probably been reached and “the worst” is behind us.

How restrictive are the current interest rate policy and financial environment really?
How restrictive are the current interest rate policy and financial environment really?

How restrictive are the current interest rate policy and financial environment really?

In line with the surprisingly strong economic indicators in the US, government bond yields have risen significantly in recent months. This is putting pressure on the prices of many classes of securities and intensifying discussions about how restrictive interest rate policy really is. Could the higher level of yields make the central bank’s job easier in the form of further interest rate hikes?

What are the lasting results of the central bank meeting in Jackson Hole?
What are the lasting results of the central bank meeting in Jackson Hole?
unsplash (c)

What are the lasting results of the central bank meeting in Jackson Hole?

At the annual meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole Federal Reserve Chair, Jerome Powell, summed up the uncertain environment as “navigating by the stars in a cloudy sky”. This relates, among other things, to the uncertainty about the level of the neutral interest rate, the lagged effect of key-lending rate hikes on economic growth and inflation, and the drivers of inflation.