Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

18 results for keyword "government bonds"

Article on tag "government bonds"

Bella Economia: Italy’s path to pre-crisis levels and what the “Superbonus” has to do with it
Bella Economia: Italy’s path to pre-crisis levels and what the “Superbonus” has to do with it

Bella Economia: Italy’s path to pre-crisis levels and what the “Superbonus” has to do with it

The Italian economy is stagnating – it has only recently returned to pre-crisis levels. Tight budgets, an uncertain political environment and an ageing population are hindering growth. High investments are expected to achieve the turnaround. On the bond market, investors are confident that this can be achieved.

Best of Charts: News from the inflation
Best of Charts: News from the inflation

Best of Charts: News from the inflation

Even though inflation has weakened recently, it remains an important topic for private individuals as well as for companies and the markets. What might happen next in terms of inflation and how long will the restrictive monetary policy stay with us? A look at some important financial charts will shed some light on this.

Yield curve management
Yield curve management
(c) iStock, Jonathan P. Larsen/Diadem Images

Yield curve management

In recent days, equities and other risky asset classes have come under pressure despite the fact that in the year to date the optimism about an economic recovery has been on the rise. Is that a case of “buy the rumour, sell the fact”? Had the good news already been priced into the market? Or is there another mechanism that could be driving the future development?