Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

12 results for keyword "equity"

Article on tag "equity"

Changes in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index
Changes in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index

Changes in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index

In 1988, MSCI Emerging Markets Index was launched and consisted of just 10 countries representing less than 1% of world market capitalization. Today the index consists of 24 countries representing 10% of world market capitalization. Read here about the changes expected until June 2020 to one of the most important global emerging markets equities index.

Possible breakthrough in gene technology driving biotechnology share prices
Possible breakthrough in gene technology driving biotechnology share prices

Possible breakthrough in gene technology driving biotechnology share prices

Biotech shares are regarded as highly promising due to the innovative strength of the sector, but they also tend to be subject to drastic price fluctuations both ways. After a long period of consolidation, biotech shares have embarked on a clear upward trend since May 2018. Harald Kober, Senior Fund Manager, explains the reasons for the investors’ optimism.

Equity returns and dividends: it depends on the market phase
Equity returns and dividends: it depends on the market phase
(c) Fotolia

Equity returns and dividends: it depends on the market phase

To most people, the notion of the performance of shares relates to changes in the share price. This does not take into account the second component of return, i.e. the dividend. Simply looking at the share price development seems too one-sided to me. After all, dividends may account for up to a third of total return, as is the case for example for the shares listed on the Vienna stock exchange. However, shares with strong dividends do not generate the highest total return in every phase of the market.