Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

50 search results for the keyword "balanced funds"

Search results for the keyword: balanced funds

Curves (part 3) – peaks and troughs
Curves (part 3) – peaks and troughs
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Curves (part 3) – peaks and troughs

Investing for the long or the short term? This is the question bond investors ask. In this blog, we will have a look at German government bonds with a remaining time to maturity of two years (2Y; short) and ten years (10Y; long). More specifically, we are interested in the yield differential between the long- and the short-term interest rates. The technical term here is the “slope of the yield curve”.

Broad diversification is still the order of the day
Broad diversification is still the order of the day

Broad diversification is still the order of the day

Gerhard Beulig, fund manager and responsible for the YOU INVEST line, expects capital markets to remain highly volatile for a while. The central banks are trapped by their own extreme interest rate policy; interest rates therefore remain at practically zero percent for short-term investments, with no trend reversal in sight. Investors who want to earn […]

“Black Monday” at the stock exchanges: Why?
“Black Monday” at the stock exchanges: Why?
© iStock

“Black Monday” at the stock exchanges: Why?

Market correction Equities, bonds affected by default risk, commodities, and emerging markets currencies are currently subject to corrections, which, noticeably, have now gone beyond the purview of emerging markets: while the emerging markets equity index declined by almost 6% (Performance-Data Source: Bloomberg, MSCI) last week, the index for developed markets lost 5.3% (Performance-Data Source: Bloomberg, […]

Is the Eurozone facing a turnaround in interest rates?
Is the Eurozone facing a turnaround in interest rates?
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Is the Eurozone facing a turnaround in interest rates?

Eurozone government bonds have ensured very good performance returns in the past years. The asset class has benefited from the zero interest rate policy and the very expansive monetary policy of the European Central Bank. In recent weeks the prices of bonds from Eurozone countries have gone through a correction, above all German government bonds. […]

Corporate bonds with short maturities
Corporate bonds with short maturities
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Corporate bonds with short maturities

Bond investors are faced with a difficult environment. Do corporate bonds offer the chance of a halfway decent yield? Stampfl: The statement that bond investors are faced with a difficult environment is actually an erroneous one. A balanced portfolio consisting of bonds from the peripheral countries and the core countries across all sectors would have […]

The investment segment of emerging markets corporate bonds has matured
The investment segment of emerging markets corporate bonds has matured

The investment segment of emerging markets corporate bonds has matured

For many institutional investors corporate bonds from emerging markets issuers have become an important instrument of portfolio diversification. Our fund management team estimates that a portfolio made up of 70% investment grade bonds and 30% high-yield bonds can yield an average 5% in the medium term. This sort of yield can hardly be achieved with […]