Erste Asset Management

82 results for the topic "Bonds"


High yields and a potential turnaround make LATAM bonds an interesting investment
High yields and a potential turnaround make LATAM bonds an interesting investment
(c) Fotolia

High yields and a potential turnaround make LATAM bonds an interesting investment

Autor: Christian Gaier, Head of Fixed Income Rates, Sovereigns & FX, Erste AM I would like to share my impressions from my latest investor conference in London that I attended on 16th January 2017. The conference was organized by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), a leading global financial group with a strong franchise in 35 […]

2016 – a capital markets year in review
2016 – a capital markets year in review

2016 – a capital markets year in review

2016 was full of surprises on the stock exchanges. At the beginning of the year, economic concerns in China, the second-biggest economy in the world, triggered drastic losses on the stock exchanges. Over the year, cautious optimism gradually returned: the oil price recovered, and the stock exchanges in the emerging markets rebounded. Brexit and Donald […]

Brazil: Hope for change stimulates bonds
Brazil: Hope for change stimulates bonds

Brazil: Hope for change stimulates bonds

Author: Felix Dornaus, Senior Fund Manager Emerging Markets Bonds Brazil tactically overweighted at the moment Most of the fundamental economic data are currently not good. In 2016, the country is in recession; for 2017, a minor growth rate of +0.7% is expected. The nominal budget deficit of 2016 is about -10%, with a primary deficit […]