Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

14 results for keyword "US Federal Reserve"

Article on tag "US Federal Reserve"

Market commentary: Is the interest rate peak reached?
Market commentary: Is the interest rate peak reached?

Market commentary: Is the interest rate peak reached?

“Higher for longer” has become the mantra of the powerful central bankers in recent months. Monetary policy is likely to remain restrictive longer than originally expected. Regardless of whether the major central banks will follow up with a final interest rate step in autumn, the interest rate peak has probably been reached and “the worst” is behind us.

Strong US dollar increases pressure on Japan’s central bank
Strong US dollar increases pressure on Japan’s central bank

Strong US dollar increases pressure on Japan’s central bank

The soaring US dollar is causing problems in countries outside the USA. In Japan, the Yen has weakened considerably recently because, unlike the other central banks, the Bank of Japan is sticking to its ultra-loose monetary policy. Against this backdrop, the meeting of the Japanese central bank next Friday will be more in focus than usual.

US central bank will start reducing bond holdings in October
US central bank will start reducing bond holdings in October
(c) iStock

US central bank will start reducing bond holdings in October

The most important central bank in the world, the Federal Reserve of the USA, has announced a historic decision as a result of its FOMC meeting on 20 September: the central bank balance sheet, hugely inflated in the wake of the bond purchase programme, will be gradually reduced from October onwards. Generally speaking this is […]