Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

8 results for keyword "Social"

Article on tag "Social"

Socially sustainable investment – how does it work?
Socially sustainable investment – how does it work?

Socially sustainable investment – how does it work?

Investing sustainably in companies with a social impact – this is possible with the ERSTE FAIR INVEST equity fund. In this interview, fund manager Bernhard Selinger explains how he finds socially sustainable companies for the portfolio and why a sustainable strategy is also good for the company’s success.

ESG investments – “S” is for sexy?
ESG investments – “S” is for sexy?
(c) unsplash

ESG investments – “S” is for sexy?

Human rights, child labor, arms production, … – the range of social issues in the ESG universe is long. Besides environmental and governance aspects, social issues are becoming increasingly important when it comes to sustainable investment. A possible EU social taxonomy could bring new standards for sustainable investments and thus bring the “S” in ESG even more into focus.