The end of the week on the stock markets was more positive than the beginning of last week. Update from the Investment Division.
Article on tag "Fed"
Rollercoaster ride continues – Update from the Investment Division
Rollercoaster ride continues. What has occurred since yesterday? And what will we be observing in the coming days? Update from the Investment Division

Living in volatile times – Coronavirus
The update of our Investment Division What has occurred since yesterday In his address to the National Union of South African Students in Capetown 1966 in regards to the US-American civil rights movement Robert F. Kennedy said the following: „There is a Chinese curse that says: “May he live in interesting times” If we want […]
Coronavirus: The economic effects of epidemics and pandemics
What are the economic effects of an epidemic or pandemic? Our Experts went through relevant studies in order to be able to give a well-founded assessment. The results are surprising.
USA: Inverse yield curve fuels fear of recession
In the US bond market, the yield on two-year government bonds had risen above the yield on ten-year bonds, creating the rare situation of an inverse yield curve. This was last the case in 2007.

Constructive central banks
Risky asset classes such as equities have recorded price increases at the beginning of the year. The core question for the investor is: Is this recovery after the sharp decline in Q4 sustainable or not?
Financial markets 2018: reasons to be cautiously optimistic
The financial markets have been on the rocks in 2018. Read here why you should still keep a cautiously optimistic stance.
Mixed feelings on the US stock exchanges
After a good start to the US reporting season, the tide on the US stock exchanges turned last week. Find out more in our new blog.
US Federal Reserve with the third interest rate hike this year
The central bankers’ assessments regarding inflation and the labour market are considered important indicators for future interest rate policy. More on our blog.

Strong USA, weak emerging markets, risk of inflation – is the economic boom drawing to an end?
This blog entry will discuss three scenarios for the coming quarters and the coming year.