Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

17 results for keyword "Europe"

Article on tag "Europe"

Sixth progress report of the IPCC: Physical risks of global warming
Sixth progress report of the IPCC: Physical risks of global warming
(c) Unsplash

Sixth progress report of the IPCC: Physical risks of global warming

In August 2021, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) published a report on global climate change. One of the key messages is that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, land areas and oceans. Heat waves, precipitation and the resulting soil moisture were identified as relevant physical risks.

Hungary: fiscal and monetary policy news
Hungary: fiscal and monetary policy news

Hungary: fiscal and monetary policy news

The European media has been paying attention to unorthodox economic policies in Hungary for years, supporting or opposing them depending where they stand on the political spectrum. At the same time Hungarian decision makers always stress they represent normality. Nowadays the question is: should we finally expect both monetary and fiscal policy normalization in the following years?