Erste Asset Management

44 results for keyword "economy"

Article on tag "economy"

Germany: is the economy about to face a hot summer?
Germany: is the economy about to face a hot summer?
(c) iStock

Germany: is the economy about to face a hot summer?

The IFO business climate index calculated by the Munich-based IFO Institute is regarded as the most important German economic indicator. At 115.1, the value released for June last week was the highest since the launch in January 1991. It was also clearly above the value that had been expected by the financial analysts on average. The signs for substantial economic growth in Germany seem favourable.

Default risk preferred
Default risk preferred

Default risk preferred

Equities have recovered from their beginning-of-year slump, and bonds, especially corporate and emerging markets, have recorded impressive gains. The loosening of the monetary environment in China and the continuation of the loose monetary policy in the USA have reduced the risk aversion of investors. In terms of asset allocation, we generally prefer default risk. Equities […]

High noon in Greece and the trend to volatility
High noon in Greece and the trend to volatility
© iStock

High noon in Greece and the trend to volatility

Summary: The economic recovery in the developed economies is supported by the very expansive monetary policies, lower austerity pressure on the government front and among banks, and the fallen oil price. Growth rates remain moderate. In the emerging markets we can see signs of low-level stabilisation at best. The possible default of Greece, excessive interest […]