Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

29 results for keyword "central banks"

Article on tag "central banks"

Review and outlook: “2022 turned out to be a tough year for equities”
Review and outlook: “2022 turned out to be a tough year for equities”

Review and outlook: “2022 turned out to be a tough year for equities”

On the stock markets, the year 2022 was characterized by high uncertainties and volatility. Tamás Menyhárt, senior fund manager at Erste Asset Management and equity expert, therefore draws an initial summary of the stock market year and ventures an outlook for the coming months on the markets.

Living in volatile times – Coronavirus
Living in volatile times – Coronavirus
(c) unsplash

Living in volatile times – Coronavirus

The update of our Investment Division What has occurred since yesterday  In his address to the National Union of South African Students in Capetown 1966 in regards to the US-American civil rights movement Robert F. Kennedy said the following: „There is a Chinese curse that says: “May he live in interesting times” If we want […]

Ten new determining factors for the capital market
Ten new determining factors for the capital market
(c) Fotolia

Ten new determining factors for the capital market

The economic environment for the capital markets is subject to change as we speak. About one and a half years ago, the global economy shifted from recovery to boom, which was very advantageous for the markets. The features were strong, broadly based economic growth, low inflation, very supportive monetary policies, good earnings growth, and limited price fluctuations on the markets. We have now started leaving this best of all worlds (“Goldilocks scenario”) in more and more categories.