Erste Asset Management

71 results for keyword "bonds"

Article on tag "bonds"

Yield curve management
Yield curve management
(c) iStock, Jonathan P. Larsen/Diadem Images

Yield curve management

In recent days, equities and other risky asset classes have come under pressure despite the fact that in the year to date the optimism about an economic recovery has been on the rise. Is that a case of “buy the rumour, sell the fact”? Had the good news already been priced into the market? Or is there another mechanism that could be driving the future development?

Erste Asset Management regards economic recovery as driver of the capital markets in 2021
Erste Asset Management regards economic recovery as driver of the capital markets in 2021

Erste Asset Management regards economic recovery as driver of the capital markets in 2021

We are looking back on a turbulent investment year. After the slump in February and March, we saw a strong recovery on the markets almost across all asset classes. CEO Heinz Bednar and CIO Gerold Permoser give an outlook for the capital markets in 2021.