Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

50 search results for the keyword "balanced funds"

Search results for the keyword: balanced funds

Style management in practice: part 1
Style management in practice: part 1
(c) iStock

Style management in practice: part 1

A clear sense of style is not only important in fashion, but more and more so in equity management as well. But what does “style” mean in equity management? Do stylistic preferences change over time, like in fashion? If so, what triggers those changes? Questions upon questions, but before we go into detail in part 2 of this series, let us first clarify what we mean by style(s).

Curves (part 6) – provider of yields
Curves (part 6) – provider of yields
(c) Andre/Sutton/EXPA/

Curves (part 6) – provider of yields

Have you ever been to a Californian beach? If you have, you may have noticed the hoards of “searching”, elderly people. They would usually be holding a metal rod that beeps, looking for valuables that no-one else has found. And sometimes somebody finds a lost golden watch on the beach. But most of the time the things that turn up are only worthless beer caps.

Curves (part 5) – the offensive decides the match
Curves (part 5) – the offensive decides the match

Curves (part 5) – the offensive decides the match

Football has two strategies. Some prefer focusing on the defensive so as not to concede a goal – i.e. they try to maintain the status quo. Other teams favour the offensive and actively engage in a fight for victory – i.e. they take risks. The strategies on the bond markets are similar. Credit-safe government bonds are preferably used to protect one’s wealth, whereas risky corporate bonds are chosen to produce surplus gains.