Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

233 search results for the keyword "election"

Search results for the keyword: election

Brazil: fundamentally sound companies despite political uncertainties
Brazil: fundamentally sound companies despite political uncertainties
(c) iStock

Brazil: fundamentally sound companies despite political uncertainties

In the current environment of global uncertainties in emerging markets due to idiosyncratic events in Turkey and Argentina, the trade conflict between the USA and China and with regard to the presidential election, late September was probably one of the most exciting times to visit Brazil. Find out more in our latest blog entry.

Information availability and data protection and their impact on society
Information availability and data protection and their impact on society

Information availability and data protection and their impact on society

Interview with Gregor König, Head of Data Protection office Digital providers collect loads of data in the background. They are evaluated/analysed and, more and more often, are used for personalised marketing and/or product/service offers. What is your opinion in this context? Is this beneficial for the user, or is the opposite the case? And what is […]

The primal fear of “Profiling”
The primal fear of “Profiling”

The primal fear of “Profiling”

Many people harbour an undefined fear of psychologists. Maybe it is the fear of someone being able to look inside them and know what they are thinking. And, let’s be honest: how many times didn’t you think: “Thank God nobody knows what I am thinking right now”? But that was in the past. Nowadays, Google, Facebook, Amazon et al. know quite well what we are thinking. Apparently even better than we do ourselves or the people close to us.

Possible breakthrough in gene technology driving biotechnology share prices
Possible breakthrough in gene technology driving biotechnology share prices

Possible breakthrough in gene technology driving biotechnology share prices

Biotech shares are regarded as highly promising due to the innovative strength of the sector, but they also tend to be subject to drastic price fluctuations both ways. After a long period of consolidation, biotech shares have embarked on a clear upward trend since May 2018. Harald Kober, Senior Fund Manager, explains the reasons for the investors’ optimism.