Erste Asset Management

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BCA Investment Conference in Toronto: How to navigate wealth to prosperity in a late stage of the business cycle
BCA Investment Conference in Toronto: How to navigate wealth to prosperity in a late stage of the business cycle

BCA Investment Conference in Toronto: How to navigate wealth to prosperity in a late stage of the business cycle

Every year the independent investment research provider BCA organizes an outstanding event for investment professionals from all over the world to come together and have a vibrant discussion about recent challenges in financial markets.

Information availability and data protection and their impact on society
Information availability and data protection and their impact on society

Information availability and data protection and their impact on society

Interview with Gregor König, Head of Data Protection office Digital providers collect loads of data in the background. They are evaluated/analysed and, more and more often, are used for personalised marketing and/or product/service offers. What is your opinion in this context? Is this beneficial for the user, or is the opposite the case? And what is […]

Back-to-school-season makes summer a second Christmas season for US retailers
Back-to-school-season makes summer a second Christmas season for US retailers

Back-to-school-season makes summer a second Christmas season for US retailers

US retailers are looking forward to another high-turnover back-to-school-season leading up to the start of the new school year. This time of the year plays an important role in the US and is regarded as the second-strongest sales driver after Christmas season.

The primal fear of “Profiling”
The primal fear of “Profiling”

The primal fear of “Profiling”

Many people harbour an undefined fear of psychologists. Maybe it is the fear of someone being able to look inside them and know what they are thinking. And, let’s be honest: how many times didn’t you think: “Thank God nobody knows what I am thinking right now”? But that was in the past. Nowadays, Google, Facebook, Amazon et al. know quite well what we are thinking. Apparently even better than we do ourselves or the people close to us.