Erste Asset Management

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World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource
World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource
(c) unsplash

World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource

On World Water Day today, we are publishing the water footprint of our sustainable funds for the seventh time. Problems such as water shortages and the decline in groundwater levels have now also reached Europe. This makes it all the more important for companies to use our water resources responsibly and manage water risks sustainably.

Silicon Valley Bank – Impact on the Stock Markets
Silicon Valley Bank – Impact on the Stock Markets

Silicon Valley Bank – Impact on the Stock Markets

The turbulences surrounding the US Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) are currently keeping the markets busy. After the bank was closed last Friday, a comprehensive package of measures followed over the weekend to avoid possible consequences. In this blog post, the experts of our Investment Division explain what exactly happened and how they assess the situation.

Conditionally positive economic news
Conditionally positive economic news

Conditionally positive economic news

Last week, positive economic data brought back some confidence. The global purchasing managers’ index, one of the most important survey-based economic reports, rose for the third time in a row. On the other hand, the latest inflation reports dampen hopes of a rapid decline in inflation without additional key rate hikes.