Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

5 results for keyword "rating"

Article on tag "rating"

The Rise of the Fallen Angels
The Rise of the Fallen Angels
(c) unsplash

The Rise of the Fallen Angels

Rating agencies assess the creditworthiness of companies and thus play an important role in the financial market. They were also in the spotlight at the beginning of the corona pandemic, with many companies being downgraded as a result of the crisis. In the meantime, the pandemic has been overcome and some of the so-called “Fallen Angels” are once again in a much better position with regard to their creditworthiness and rating.

Croatia hits fever pitch
Croatia hits fever pitch

Croatia hits fever pitch

No, this is not an article on football, and any football reference is purely coincidental. This is an article on the football nation whose economy is (finally) showing positive trends and has (finally) been awarded a one-notch rating upgrade by two rating agencies, S&P and Fitch, this year. Only one notch away from the much-desired investment grade rating, the Croatian economy remains on sound footing before tackling its last challenge.