Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

12 results for keyword "labor market"

Article on tag "labor market"

Economic outlook: soft landing with risks attached
Economic outlook: soft landing with risks attached

Economic outlook: soft landing with risks attached

On the stock markets, the focus is shifting back to the downside risks. Nevertheless, there are still hopes that inflation will gradually fall and that there will be no recession. But how realistic are the hopes for this “soft landing” of the economy and how can investors position themselves in the current environment?

Encouraging fall in inflation
Encouraging fall in inflation
(c) pexels

Encouraging fall in inflation

Since the beginning of November the prices of both risky security classes such as equities and credit-safe government bonds have been on the rise. The market appears to be increasingly pricing in a so-called “soft” landing for the economy. The probability of this actually increased over the course of the year. However, the economic data published in recent weeks and months does not contradict the “hard” landing scenario.

How restrictive are the current interest rate policy and financial environment really?
How restrictive are the current interest rate policy and financial environment really?

How restrictive are the current interest rate policy and financial environment really?

In line with the surprisingly strong economic indicators in the US, government bond yields have risen significantly in recent months. This is putting pressure on the prices of many classes of securities and intensifying discussions about how restrictive interest rate policy really is. Could the higher level of yields make the central bank’s job easier in the form of further interest rate hikes?

Conditionally positive economic news
Conditionally positive economic news

Conditionally positive economic news

Last week, positive economic data brought back some confidence. The global purchasing managers’ index, one of the most important survey-based economic reports, rose for the third time in a row. On the other hand, the latest inflation reports dampen hopes of a rapid decline in inflation without additional key rate hikes.