Erste Asset Management

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Article on tag "inflation"

Capital markets outlook for 2018: Will the party hold on?
Capital markets outlook for 2018: Will the party hold on?
(c) Erste Asset Management

Capital markets outlook for 2018: Will the party hold on?

2017 is drawing to an end, and the bottom line is positive. The outcome is significantly better than we had expected. Since the financial crisis in 2008, the global economy has never expanded more quickly and especially concertedly than in 2017. Also, inflation has surprised on the downside, falling short yet again of the expectations held by central banks and analysts.

Growth picking up in the emerging economies
Growth picking up in the emerging economies

Growth picking up in the emerging economies

Economic growth has increased significantly on a global scale and is broadly supported. According to our preliminary estimate, global GDP recorded a growth rate of 3.7% from Q1 to Q2 (annualised). While the developed economies have presumably grown by 2.7%, the emerging economies posted a growth rate of 5.2%. In this article, we would like to take a closer look at the emerging markets on the basis of classic economic indicators.

Solid Growth
Solid Growth
(c) iStock

Solid Growth

Some ten years after the outbreak of the Great Recession, global economic growth is positive and broadly based, inflation is low in the developed economies and falling in important emerging economies, and monetary policies are very supportive, cautious, and predictable. At the same time, company earnings growth has increased significantly, and the volatilities of many asset prices are low. This environment is generally positive for risky asset classes.

Increase in inflation has come to an end for now
Increase in inflation has come to an end for now
(c) iStock

Increase in inflation has come to an end for now

Two developments are prominently noticeable on the markets at the moment: on the one hand, the indicators of real economic growth suggest a stable real economic growth rate of about 3%. On the other hand, we have seen global consumer price inflation decline since the beginning of the year. The reflation phase, i.e. the general increase in inflation in the second half of 2016, seems to be over (for now).