Erste Asset Management

44 results for keyword "economy"

Article on tag "economy"

Croatia hits fever pitch
Croatia hits fever pitch

Croatia hits fever pitch

No, this is not an article on football, and any football reference is purely coincidental. This is an article on the football nation whose economy is (finally) showing positive trends and has (finally) been awarded a one-notch rating upgrade by two rating agencies, S&P and Fitch, this year. Only one notch away from the much-desired investment grade rating, the Croatian economy remains on sound footing before tackling its last challenge.

Quo Vadis Italia? – The 2018 general election in Italy and its importance to the economy
Quo Vadis Italia? – The 2018 general election in Italy and its importance to the economy

Quo Vadis Italia? – The 2018 general election in Italy and its importance to the economy

The economic environment for Italy remains challenging. The fundamental problem is the low economic growth. Although the composition of the future government is still unclear, the party programs imply a persistent reform deadlock.

Interview: “Future 2050 – the era of sustainability and smart machines”
Interview: “Future 2050 – the era of sustainability and smart machines”
(c) Siemens Pictures of the Future

Interview: “Future 2050 – the era of sustainability and smart machines”

Interview with Ulrich Eberl, one of the most renowned German-speaking scientific journalists and futurologists. Among the books he has published are “Zukunft 2050 – wie wir schon heute die Zukunft erfinden“ (“Future 2050 – how we are inventing the future today”) and “Smarte Maschinen – wie Künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben verändert“ (“Smart machines – how artificial intelligence changes our lives”).

Capital markets outlook for 2018: Will the party hold on?
Capital markets outlook for 2018: Will the party hold on?
(c) Erste Asset Management

Capital markets outlook for 2018: Will the party hold on?

2017 is drawing to an end, and the bottom line is positive. The outcome is significantly better than we had expected. Since the financial crisis in 2008, the global economy has never expanded more quickly and especially concertedly than in 2017. Also, inflation has surprised on the downside, falling short yet again of the expectations held by central banks and analysts.