Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

50 search results for the keyword "balanced funds"

Search results for the keyword: balanced funds

Microfinance – making the world a slightly better place while earning money
Microfinance – making the world a slightly better place while earning money
(c) danique-tersmette-unsplash

Microfinance – making the world a slightly better place while earning money

Microfinance funds have become more popular with investors in recent years, complementing equities, bonds, real estate, precious metals, and commodities. Such funds invest in microloans that help people in emerging markets to secure their subsistence. At the same time, they pay a yield, as fund manager Martin Cech explains.

5 years after the Brexit referendum: UK on the path to recovery in turbulent times
5 years after the Brexit referendum: UK on the path to recovery in turbulent times
(c) unsplash

5 years after the Brexit referendum: UK on the path to recovery in turbulent times

These days mark the 5th anniversary of the British vote to leave the European Union. How does the UK stand economically after the “Brexit”? What challenges still lie ahead for the country? What opportunities do investors have? Read more in today’s blog.

US election campaign entering hot phase: decision in the midst of the crisis
US election campaign entering hot phase: decision in the midst of the crisis
© Morry Gash / POOL / AFP /

US election campaign entering hot phase: decision in the midst of the crisis

In the midst of the corona crisis, following the first TV debate and US president Donald Trump’s infection with the corona virus, the race for the US presidential office enters its critical phase. In nationwide opinion polls, Democratic candidate Joe Biden is currently ahead of Republican incumbent Trump.

Energy and phasing-out of coal-based electricity
Energy and phasing-out of coal-based electricity
(c) unsplash

Energy and phasing-out of coal-based electricity

The topic of energy and electricity provides an excellent background to have a closer look at the issue of energy transition. The prevalent energy mix, which is still very much geared towards fossil fuels, is in the process of transition, as also pointed out by Erste AM’s research partners. The comeback of coal? The current […]