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230 search results for the keyword "election"

Search results for the keyword: election

Elections in Greece – an end to the never ending story?
Elections in Greece – an end to the never ending story?
(c) unsplash

Elections in Greece – an end to the never ending story?

The Greek sovereign debt crisis is now more than 10 years old. Many observers saw this event as the starting point of a never-ending story. However, if one looks at the recent past, Greece convinced with positive aspects. Many see the upcoming parliamentary elections on May 21 as the last major obstacle to regaining the country’s investment grade rating.

Türkiye: President Erdogan Focuses on Economic Issues in Election Campaign
Türkiye: President Erdogan Focuses on Economic Issues in Election Campaign
(c) unsplash

Türkiye: President Erdogan Focuses on Economic Issues in Election Campaign

The hot phase of Turkey’s election campaign has begun, with parliamentary and presidential elections to be held simultaneously in the country on 14 May. In addition to the consequences of the earthquake disaster in early February, the Turkish citizens are also suffering from the massive inflation.

Bearish Stock Markets After Third-Term Re-Election of Chinese Head Of State Xi Jingping
Bearish Stock Markets After Third-Term Re-Election of Chinese Head Of State Xi Jingping
(c) STR / AFP /

Bearish Stock Markets After Third-Term Re-Election of Chinese Head Of State Xi Jingping

Hands off Chinese equities? The confirmation of another term in office for China’s state and party leader Xi Jinping triggered a plunge in share prices on the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock exchanges. Equities Technology in particular came under pressure. What happens now?

Italy after the parliamentary elections: a path beset by obstacles
Italy after the parliamentary elections: a path beset by obstacles

Italy after the parliamentary elections: a path beset by obstacles

Italy has voted: The party “Fratelli d’Italia” around top candidate Giorgia Meloni was the election winner. The center-right alliance together with the parties “Lega” and “Forza Italia” achieved an absolute majority. What consequences could the election results have for the country, its economy and cooperation with the European Union?

Japan Faces Possible Monetary Policy Change Following Upper House Election
Japan Faces Possible Monetary Policy Change Following Upper House Election
(c) Kyodo News / Action Press /

Japan Faces Possible Monetary Policy Change Following Upper House Election

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s ruling LPD won a resounding victory in the upper house election. With a solid majority, Kishida could now initiate reforms in security and energy policy. In addition, the extremely loose monetary policy that has been in place for years is being put to the test.

France Presidential Elections: Second Voting Round between Macron and Le Pen
France Presidential Elections: Second Voting Round between Macron and Le Pen
(c) Francois Mori / AP /

France Presidential Elections: Second Voting Round between Macron and Le Pen

A tight race is shaping up in the run-off election for the French presidency in a fortnight. What concerns both candidates is the preservation of purchasing power and the high prices for oil and natural gas. How will the financial markets react to the election result?

Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida Promises Economic Stimulus Programmes to Combat Corona Crisis After Election Victory
Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida Promises Economic Stimulus Programmes to Combat Corona Crisis After Election Victory
(C) Kazuhiro NOGI / AFP

Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida Promises Economic Stimulus Programmes to Combat Corona Crisis After Election Victory

The parliamentary elections in Japan confirmed Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s pro-business course. Will the stock market gain new momentum?

DAX set to break all-time high thanks to economic recovery as election year autumn approaches
DAX set to break all-time high thanks to economic recovery as election year autumn approaches
(c) unsplash

DAX set to break all-time high thanks to economic recovery as election year autumn approaches

Germany has awakened from its pandemic “deep sleep”, and the economy is picking up speed in an election year. Investments related to the reduction of greenhouse gases could give a strong boost to innovative companies in the DAX and at European level.

US election campaign entering hot phase: decision in the midst of the crisis
US election campaign entering hot phase: decision in the midst of the crisis
© Morry Gash / POOL / AFP /

US election campaign entering hot phase: decision in the midst of the crisis

In the midst of the corona crisis, following the first TV debate and US president Donald Trump’s infection with the corona virus, the race for the US presidential office enters its critical phase. In nationwide opinion polls, Democratic candidate Joe Biden is currently ahead of Republican incumbent Trump.