Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

233 search results for the keyword "election"

Search results for the keyword: election

Green bonds for clean energy
Green bonds for clean energy
(c) unsplash

Green bonds for clean energy

Green bonds are bonds whose issue proceeds are exclusively used to finance existing or new projects with environmental benefits. Long tradition In 2007, the European Investment Bank (EIB) issued the first green bond and called it “Climate Awareness Bond”. While during the first years this young market segment was largely driven by supranational issuers and […]

Historic decline in US equity markets – Update from the Investment Division
Historic decline in US equity markets – Update from the Investment Division
(c) unsplash

Historic decline in US equity markets – Update from the Investment Division

What has occurred since yesterday (17.3.2020)? Yesterday´s update started with the advantages of the Bloomberg terminals and also today we used the huge data base. Yesterday we reported on the ten days where the American equity index S&P500 had its largest losses on the same day. These ten days occurred in six different years: 1929, […]