The decline in crude oil prices has led to a trend reversal in the energy market this year: while many power companies have recently raised their profit forecasts, the major oil companies suffered massively from the recent drop in crude oil prices. Meanwhile, in the effort to reach climate targets, the trend toward renewable energies continues unabate
Microfinance – Fund Manager Martin Cech on an investor trip to Uzbekistan (Part II)
Microfinance fund manager Martin Cech recently went on an investor trip to Uzbekistan. While he wrote about the banks and microfinance institutions he visited in the first part of his travel report, he describes his impressions of the visits to some borrowers in the second part.

How high do key interest rates still climb?
Both the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve in the USA raised the key interest rate by 25 basis points last week. However, both central banks signalled that the end of the cycle is near – or may even have already been reached after the recent rate hikes.
Microfinance – Fund Manager Martin Cech on an investor trip to Uzbekistan (Part I)
Martin Cech, fund manager of ERSTE RESPONSIBLE MICROFINANCE, visited a number of banks and microfinance institutions from the fund’s portfolio during an investor trip to Uzbekistan. He reports on his impressions in the blog post.

Biodiversity – nature’s natural intelligence
The biodiversity crisis goes hand in hand with the loss of ecosystems and thus threatens our everyday life on earth. At the same time, despite all the crisis, we must not lose sight of the miracle of nature. Read more in the lead article of our new ESGenius Letter on the topic of “Biodiversity”.

Biodiversity & nature: how can we integrate them?
At Erste AM, we have been dealing with sustainable investment for many years and have also included biodiversity agendas in our considerations. With our new biodiversity guideline, these issues are to be integrated even more formally into our processes. In addition, we are defining concrete biodiversity goals in the investment process that we want to achieve by 2030.

Biodiversity: interview with ecologist Franz Essl
Franz Essl is an ecologist and a recognised expert on biodiversity and the protection of species diversity. In addition, he was named Scientist of the Year 2022 by the Club of Education and Science Journalists last year. In this interview, he explains what the term biodiversity encompasses and why politics and business must finally act to stop the loss of biodiversity.

Why biodiversity is on your agenda!
The biodiversity of our planet provides the basis for life and the economy. The crisis facing global biodiversity puts quality of life and health at risk, as well as prosperity and economic development. Companies can also act and take measures. After all, biodiversity is on everyone’s agenda.
Biodiversity is the next big thing for investments after climate change
The regulatory environment for biodiversity-related risks is constantly changing. Investments in companies that are well prepared will benefit from this trend. Such companies prove to be robust in dealing with new regulations. Biodiversity risks need to be carefully analysed to protect not only investors’ assets but also Mother Earth.

Fancy a beach holiday in Iceland?
Statistics show that the water temperature of the oceans this year is significantly above the long-term average. This is accompanied by serious consequences for many ecosystems and once again shows the drastic consequences of the climate crisis.