Erste Asset Management

538 results for the topic "Markets"


Financial Markets Monitor June: a lot going on
Financial Markets Monitor June: a lot going on
(c) iStock

Financial Markets Monitor June: a lot going on

An Investment Committee again! A month can pass quickly, especially if there is a lot going on in the markets. In light of recent market events (Italy, Turkey, Argentina), I was surprised that our risk stance has not changed since our last Investment Committee meeting. Obviously, it takes a lot to get us out of […]

30 years of falling interest rates – what is ahead of us?
30 years of falling interest rates – what is ahead of us?

30 years of falling interest rates – what is ahead of us?

Let’s start with a trip down memory lane: Do you remember the scenery 30 years ago – on the financial markets, and in our personal lives? The 1980s – many of the older generation are still thinking back to the “good old times”. There were no smartphones and no data kraken. Instead, we had shoulder […]

Rising interest rates in the USA
Rising interest rates in the USA
(c) iStock

Rising interest rates in the USA

The sentiment of the financial market participants has deteriorated in the past months, with the losses across numerous asset classes in the year to date seemingly the driving factor. Now we have to ask ourselves: are we at the outset of a new trend, or is this just a case of increased volatility? The general decline in prices has gone in conspicuous tandem with the increase in three important financial market ratios:

Croatia hits fever pitch
Croatia hits fever pitch

Croatia hits fever pitch

No, this is not an article on football, and any football reference is purely coincidental. This is an article on the football nation whose economy is (finally) showing positive trends and has (finally) been awarded a one-notch rating upgrade by two rating agencies, S&P and Fitch, this year. Only one notch away from the much-desired investment grade rating, the Croatian economy remains on sound footing before tackling its last challenge.

Bleaker sentiment on the financial markets
Bleaker sentiment on the financial markets
(c) iStock

Bleaker sentiment on the financial markets

The environment on the financial markets has become a bit bleaker. Growth rates of industrial output and the survey-based indicators for economic growth are falling, while the trade conflict between the USA and China and the tense geopolitical situation in the Middle East has caused the risk for global growth to increase further. Will the environment remain generally supportive to risky asset classes?