Erste Asset Management

82 results for the topic "Bonds"


Advantages of supranational bonds in emerging market currencies
Advantages of supranational bonds in emerging market currencies

Advantages of supranational bonds in emerging market currencies

The most common form of supranational financial institutions are development banks, whose shareholders are usually the founding states. Investors’ exposure to bonds issued by development banks allows them to finance local infrastructure or climate projects at lower cost, which ultimately benefits the local population.

Bond markets between strengthening economy and high liquidity
Bond markets between strengthening economy and high liquidity
(c) Unsplash

Bond markets between strengthening economy and high liquidity

Bond funds are not always the “first choice” right now. The strong profits of listed companies and the orderly dividend payouts are currently outpacing interest income. If you are looking at performance, you have to look closely. Interview with Wolfgang Zemanek, Head of Bond Funds, Initial Asset Management.