Erste Asset Management

13 results for keyword "sustainable investments"

Article on tag "sustainable investments"

Sustainable investments: fad or long-term trend?
Sustainable investments: fad or long-term trend?

Sustainable investments: fad or long-term trend?

With a view to the Ukraine war, the multiple regions of crisis or the extreme inflation, one would be forgiven for thinking that sustainability issues were taking a back seat when it came to investing. Gerold Permoser, Chief Investment Officer of Erste Asset Management, claims that this is not the case and that there is a lot of potential for investors. In a recent press talk, he and Heinz Bednar, CEO, presented five key drivers for ESG investments.

World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource
World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource
(c) unsplash

World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource

On World Water Day today, we are publishing the water footprint of our sustainable funds for the seventh time. Problems such as water shortages and the decline in groundwater levels have now also reached Europe. This makes it all the more important for companies to use our water resources responsibly and manage water risks sustainably.

Sustainability-linked bonds – an alternative to green bonds?
Sustainability-linked bonds – an alternative to green bonds?
(c) iStock

Sustainability-linked bonds – an alternative to green bonds?

Green bonds are securities that are allocated to specific energy and environmental projects and are intended to contribute to a climate-friendly transformation of the economy. According to a study by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), they reached a record level of $269. 5 billion in 2020. Sustainability-Linked Bonds represent a voluntary commitment for issuers. How exactly they work is explained in our analysis.