Erste Asset Management

53 results for keyword "outlook"

Article on tag "outlook"

European banks: Outlook for 2018
European banks: Outlook for 2018
(c) iStock

European banks: Outlook for 2018

European banks (as measured by the Stoxx 600 Banks Index) had a decent year in 2017: the index climbed more than 8%, slightly outperforming the broader European market (Stoxx 600 Index). The strongest positive impulse came from the French elections in April last year, where the populist threat was successfully defeated by Emmanuel Macron, arguably the most market-friendly candidate among the contenders. A robust European economy and a solid business sentiment throughout the year also helped banking shares go higher.

Capital markets outlook for 2018: Will the party hold on?
Capital markets outlook for 2018: Will the party hold on?
(c) Erste Asset Management

Capital markets outlook for 2018: Will the party hold on?

2017 is drawing to an end, and the bottom line is positive. The outcome is significantly better than we had expected. Since the financial crisis in 2008, the global economy has never expanded more quickly and especially concertedly than in 2017. Also, inflation has surprised on the downside, falling short yet again of the expectations held by central banks and analysts.