Erste Asset Management

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Article on tag "outlook"

Positive summary of last week – Update from the Investment Division
Positive summary of last week – Update from the Investment Division
(c) APA-picturedesk

Positive summary of last week – Update from the Investment Division

What has occurred over the weekend? Equity markets had a good week. The US-equity index S&P 500 gained + 10,3%. Also the European markets gained significantly. The EuroStoxx 50 gained 7,5%. A bit negative were the losses on Friday (S&P 500 – 3,4%, EuroStoxx 50 – 4,2%). Volatility in the markets remained on a higher […]

For 3 day win streak – Update from the Investment Division
For 3 day win streak – Update from the Investment Division
(c) APA-picturedesk

For 3 day win streak – Update from the Investment Division

What has occurred since yesterday ? Global equity markets closed yesterday the third day in a row with strong gains. The US leading equity index increased by 6,2%. The European exchanges could see gains of 1% to 3%. The credit risk margins für High Yield Corporate Bonds decreased again considerably. Also on the markets where […]

“Mr. Market” two positive days in a row – Update from the Investment Division
“Mr. Market” two positive days in a row – Update from the Investment Division
(c) unsplash

“Mr. Market” two positive days in a row – Update from the Investment Division

What has occurred since yesterday ? Two positive days in a row on the American stock markets. Something we saw the last time on 11. + 12.2020. Mr. Market was in a good mood over the last two days. After the US-American equity index S&P500 gained almost 9% on Tuesday it increased also yesterday by […]

Bull movement – Update from the Investment Division
Bull movement – Update from the Investment Division
(c) unsplash

Bull movement – Update from the Investment Division

What has occurred since yesterday ? Bull movement. Prices of risky asset classes, e.g. equity increased. Of course the question remains if it is just a short, technical upward spurt or a stable base. The reason for the better mood in the market is the agreement in the USA on a USD 2000 billion stimulus […]

Father of value investing – Update from the Investment Division
Father of value investing – Update from the Investment Division
(c) unsplash

Father of value investing – Update from the Investment Division

What has occurred since yesterday ? Benjamin Graham focused on fundamental equity analysis and became widely known as the “father of value investing”.  Equity should only be purchased at a discount to its fundamental value. In his book “The Intelligent Investor” Graham creates a character called Mr. Market, a fellow who turns up every day […]

The ordinary becomes special – Update from the Investment Division
The ordinary becomes special – Update from the Investment Division
(c) unsplash

The ordinary becomes special – Update from the Investment Division

What has occurred since yesterday ? Sometimes the ordinary becomes something special. To prove the validity of this heuristic, we will use the database of our Bloomberg terminal once again. On the 24,060 trading days of the leading US index S&P500 since 1928, the average daily change has been +0.02%. In contrast, for almost a […]

Inflation: a general overview – Part 1
Inflation: a general overview – Part 1
(c) iStock

Inflation: a general overview – Part 1

At the moment the environment on the markets is very supportive. The economy is booming, the big central banks are still buying government bonds on aggregate and are thus keeping yields low, and the tax reform in the USA has improved the sentiment further over the past weeks. In addition, most asset managers agree on the status quo. Given this background, people ask “when will the party end?”. An increase in inflation is (one of) the usual suspect(s).