Erste Asset Management

71 results for keyword "markets"

Article on tag "markets"

Father of value investing – Update from the Investment Division
Father of value investing – Update from the Investment Division
(c) unsplash

Father of value investing – Update from the Investment Division

What has occurred since yesterday ? Benjamin Graham focused on fundamental equity analysis and became widely known as the “father of value investing”.  Equity should only be purchased at a discount to its fundamental value. In his book “The Intelligent Investor” Graham creates a character called Mr. Market, a fellow who turns up every day […]



The world is in a state of emergency, with the corona pandemic constituting a global health, economic, and financial crisis. The term “Coronacession” has been created as a chimaera of corona and recession. The central question is how deep the emergency runs and how long it will last. The speed of the development is breath-taking. […]

The ordinary becomes special – Update from the Investment Division
The ordinary becomes special – Update from the Investment Division
(c) unsplash

The ordinary becomes special – Update from the Investment Division

What has occurred since yesterday ? Sometimes the ordinary becomes something special. To prove the validity of this heuristic, we will use the database of our Bloomberg terminal once again. On the 24,060 trading days of the leading US index S&P500 since 1928, the average daily change has been +0.02%. In contrast, for almost a […]

Financial Markets Monitor June: a lot going on
Financial Markets Monitor June: a lot going on
(c) iStock

Financial Markets Monitor June: a lot going on

An Investment Committee again! A month can pass quickly, especially if there is a lot going on in the markets. In light of recent market events (Italy, Turkey, Argentina), I was surprised that our risk stance has not changed since our last Investment Committee meeting. Obviously, it takes a lot to get us out of […]