Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

5 results for keyword "IWF"

Article on tag "IWF"

World Economic Forum in Davos Sees World at Turning Point After Pandemic-Induced Break
World Economic Forum in Davos Sees World at Turning Point After Pandemic-Induced Break
(c) GIAN EHRENZELLER / Keystone /

World Economic Forum in Davos Sees World at Turning Point After Pandemic-Induced Break

The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, focused on the topics of the Ukraine war, inflation, supply chain problems, food shortages and climate change. How do top politicians and leading economists assess the situation?

World Economic Forum Davos 2019: about economic downturn and trade war
World Economic Forum Davos 2019: about economic downturn and trade war

World Economic Forum Davos 2019: about economic downturn and trade war

In view of a trade war, the Brexit and the threat of an economic downturn, the World Economic Forum meeting this year was dominated by calls for increased international cooperation. Read here what Lagarde and Merkel had to say.

My impressions from IMF meeting in Washington:  Emerging markets “alive and kicking”
My impressions from IMF meeting in Washington: Emerging markets “alive and kicking”
Jose Luis Magana / AP /

My impressions from IMF meeting in Washington: Emerging markets “alive and kicking”

The spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund was held in Washington from 20 to 23 April. This event was the reason for an investor conference that I attended in order to get an idea of the status quo of the global economy as well as of risks and opportunities.