Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

233 search results for the keyword "election"

Search results for the keyword: election

Fragile bull market
Fragile bull market
(c) iStock

Fragile bull market

It is as difficult to remain invested in a bull market as it is to leave a bear market. After all, investors are risk-averse. Taking into account the four most important categories for the assessment of the attractiveness of asset classes – valuation, liquidity, positioning, and growth – one would conclude that the most important driving factor for the markets builds on the last one.

Equity investors: Are they ignoring risks?
Equity investors: Are they ignoring risks?

Equity investors: Are they ignoring risks?

The year 2016 was full of surprises. It was, for example, the year, when an outsider overcame odds of 5000 to 1 to win the Premier League. It was also the year, when the lyrics of three-minute pop songs were acknowledged to be an art form worth the Literature Nobel. Most importantly, however, politics in the Western hemisphere surprised big time with the vote for Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as the next US president.

The year 2016 was full of broken trends on the stock exchanges
The year 2016 was full of broken trends on the stock exchanges

The year 2016 was full of broken trends on the stock exchanges

Another year has passed, and it is time to look back. The year on the stock exchanges started out worse than in a long time. After only a few trading days, losses averaged 10%. The fear of economic turbulences originating in China dominated the markets. Meanwhile the currency of choice during a crisis, gold, was […]



The market participants are still focused on the implications of Donald Trump’s victory at the US presidential elections. In simple terms, “Trumponomics” are a combination of expansive fiscal policies and restrictive trade policy. An increased budget deficit is supposed to support economic growth, while the curbing of free trade aims at job protection.

Markets assume President Trump will deliver
Markets assume President Trump will deliver
© iStock

Markets assume President Trump will deliver

The outcome of the US election last week, together with the Brexit-vote in June, was the second major political event this year that shook financial markets. In both cases the outcome was different to what pollsters, the media and investors anticipated. Unsurprisingly, markets – across asset-classes and geographies – reacted strongly and in some cases […]