Erste Asset Management

Erste Asset Management
EVs: Industry plans to drive sales with price reductions, compact models, and new batteries
EVs: Industry plans to drive sales with price reductions, compact models, and new batteries

EVs: Industry plans to drive sales with price reductions, compact models, and new batteries

Even though the car industry continues to focus on e-cars, demand has recently stalled somewhat. In addition to the major car manufacturers, more and more tech companies are entering the market. Meanwhile, a new hope for the future is emerging in the field of battery technology.


Favorable indicators: Soft landing on approach?
Favorable indicators: Soft landing on approach?

Favorable indicators: Soft landing on approach?

More and more indicators are pointing to good global growth. Even regions and sectors that had recently weakened are likely to return to growth. The soft landing after the sharp rise in inflation and the turnaround in interest rates could succeed. The decline in inflation is pausing at the same time, as yesterday’s US inflation data shows.



