Erste Asset Management

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Microfinance – making the world a slightly better place while earning money
Microfinance – making the world a slightly better place while earning money
(c) danique-tersmette-unsplash

Microfinance – making the world a slightly better place while earning money

Microfinance funds have become more popular with investors in recent years, complementing equities, bonds, real estate, precious metals, and commodities. Such funds invest in microloans that help people in emerging markets to secure their subsistence. At the same time, they pay a yield, as fund manager Martin Cech explains.

New German  “Traffic Light” Coalition Launches Climate and Economic Programme During Difficult Phase
New German “Traffic Light” Coalition Launches Climate and Economic Programme During Difficult Phase
(c) Kay Nietfeld / dpa / picturedesk

New German “Traffic Light” Coalition Launches Climate and Economic Programme During Difficult Phase

Germany’s first federal government coalition of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and the Green Party – called the “traffic light” coalition for the parties’ traditional colours – has now been in office for just under two weeks and is starting its planned renewal programme at the most difficult time imaginable. The train towards climate protection and renewable energies is picking up speed.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Kick off the Year’s most Important Retail Season on Friday
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Kick off the Year’s most Important Retail Season on Friday
(c) unsplash

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Kick off the Year’s most Important Retail Season on Friday

On November 26, the traditional “Black Friday“ of discount deals in the US and many other countries officially kicks off the immensely important Christmas shopping season for many industries. However, with the trend towards online shopping accelerating with the Corona pandemic, how will this turn out this year?