Erste Asset Management

538 results for the topic "Markets"


Urbanisation in Asia: challenge and opportunity
Urbanisation in Asia: challenge and opportunity

Urbanisation in Asia: challenge and opportunity

Asia’s cities are growing and growing, presenting the urban infrastructure with great challenges. Thanks to technical progress, the relevance of environmentally friendly transport solutions is on the rise. Investors can benefit from this trend, as Gabriela Tinti points out in an op-ed article for the magazine “Global Investor”.

US central bank will start reducing bond holdings in October
US central bank will start reducing bond holdings in October
(c) iStock

US central bank will start reducing bond holdings in October

The most important central bank in the world, the Federal Reserve of the USA, has announced a historic decision as a result of its FOMC meeting on 20 September: the central bank balance sheet, hugely inflated in the wake of the bond purchase programme, will be gradually reduced from October onwards. Generally speaking this is […]

Growth picking up in the emerging economies
Growth picking up in the emerging economies

Growth picking up in the emerging economies

Economic growth has increased significantly on a global scale and is broadly supported. According to our preliminary estimate, global GDP recorded a growth rate of 3.7% from Q1 to Q2 (annualised). While the developed economies have presumably grown by 2.7%, the emerging economies posted a growth rate of 5.2%. In this article, we would like to take a closer look at the emerging markets on the basis of classic economic indicators.

Solid Growth
Solid Growth
(c) iStock

Solid Growth

Some ten years after the outbreak of the Great Recession, global economic growth is positive and broadly based, inflation is low in the developed economies and falling in important emerging economies, and monetary policies are very supportive, cautious, and predictable. At the same time, company earnings growth has increased significantly, and the volatilities of many asset prices are low. This environment is generally positive for risky asset classes.