Erste Asset Management

538 results for the topic "Markets"


Inflation: a general overview – Part 1
Inflation: a general overview – Part 1
(c) iStock

Inflation: a general overview – Part 1

At the moment the environment on the markets is very supportive. The economy is booming, the big central banks are still buying government bonds on aggregate and are thus keeping yields low, and the tax reform in the USA has improved the sentiment further over the past weeks. In addition, most asset managers agree on the status quo. Given this background, people ask “when will the party end?”. An increase in inflation is (one of) the usual suspect(s).

Interview: “Future 2050 – the era of sustainability and smart machines”
Interview: “Future 2050 – the era of sustainability and smart machines”
(c) Siemens Pictures of the Future

Interview: “Future 2050 – the era of sustainability and smart machines”

Interview with Ulrich Eberl, one of the most renowned German-speaking scientific journalists and futurologists. Among the books he has published are “Zukunft 2050 – wie wir schon heute die Zukunft erfinden“ (“Future 2050 – how we are inventing the future today”) and “Smarte Maschinen – wie Künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben verändert“ (“Smart machines – how artificial intelligence changes our lives”).