Erste Asset Management

538 results for the topic "Markets"


Back-to-school-season makes summer a second Christmas season for US retailers
Back-to-school-season makes summer a second Christmas season for US retailers

Back-to-school-season makes summer a second Christmas season for US retailers

US retailers are looking forward to another high-turnover back-to-school-season leading up to the start of the new school year. This time of the year plays an important role in the US and is regarded as the second-strongest sales driver after Christmas season.

Germany remains Europe’s driving economic power
Germany remains Europe’s driving economic power
(c) iStock

Germany remains Europe’s driving economic power

Germany is not only the largest, but also one of the strongest economies in the Eurozone and the EU. This is reflected, among other things, in its stable economic growth. In 2017, Germany’s GDP increased by 2.2 per cent compared to the previous year, only slightly less than the total Eurozone growth of 2.4 per cent.

Short-term stabilisation on the financial markets  
Short-term stabilisation on the financial markets  

Short-term stabilisation on the financial markets  

After several “mini-shocks” throughout the year such as inflationary fears in the USA and a temporary crisis of trust in connection with Italian government bonds, quite a bit of uncertainty has already been priced into the market. Will the current phase, which is characterised by rising share and bond prices and that comes with credit risk be only a short-lived one? Or have the markets generally entered calmer waters?