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538 results for the topic "Markets"


World Economic Forum Davos 2019: about economic downturn and trade war
World Economic Forum Davos 2019: about economic downturn and trade war

World Economic Forum Davos 2019: about economic downturn and trade war

In view of a trade war, the Brexit and the threat of an economic downturn, the World Economic Forum meeting this year was dominated by calls for increased international cooperation. Read here what Lagarde and Merkel had to say.

Brexit agreement ahead of vote in British Parliament
Brexit agreement ahead of vote in British Parliament

Brexit agreement ahead of vote in British Parliament

The “divorce agreement” of the British with the EU stands. At the highly anticipated EU Special Summit on Sunday, Britain and the EU agreed on their post-Brexit relations at the end of March 2019. Now only the vote in the British House of Commons is missing. It’s getting tight.

China’s future: long-term growth initiatives and dangerous asymmetries
China’s future: long-term growth initiatives and dangerous asymmetries

China’s future: long-term growth initiatives and dangerous asymmetries

The People’s Republic of China is one of the winners of globalisation – but the strong economic growth has also created asymmetries within the Chinese economy. Read more about how the “Made in China 2025”-strategy will help and what role the new silk road plays.