Erste Asset Management

538 results for the topic "Markets"


Global semiconductor shortage continues to pose challenge for automotive and electronics sectors
Global semiconductor shortage continues to pose challenge for automotive and electronics sectors
(c) unsplash

Global semiconductor shortage continues to pose challenge for automotive and electronics sectors

The global shortage of semiconductors is causing problems for car manufacturers and the computer industry. Trends such as the digitalisation of working life or autonomous driving are likely to increase demand even more. Technology shares are in demand.

Social impact via engagement
Social impact via engagement

Social impact via engagement

Impact investment More and more investors want to invest their money responsibly and sustainably – not only to create additional inflows, but also to create an “impact”. As a result, the demand for so-called impact funds has increased substantially in recent years. Especially young people, who until very recently had little interest in investment funds, […]

Hopes for upswing continue to drive oil and industrial metal prices higher
Hopes for upswing continue to drive oil and industrial metal prices higher
(c) unsplash

Hopes for upswing continue to drive oil and industrial metal prices higher

Hopes for an economic recovery, but also the latest inflation fears, have recently fuelled the price rally on the commodity markets, with prices for crude oil and industrial metals continuing to soar. Several metal prices recently rose to multi-year highs.

EU Commission lowers growth forecasts for 2021, but is more optimistic for 2022
EU Commission lowers growth forecasts for 2021, but is more optimistic for 2022
(c) unsplash

EU Commission lowers growth forecasts for 2021, but is more optimistic for 2022

In view of the still rampant Corona pandemic, the EU Commission has recently lowered its growth forecasts for 2021. With the delays in some EU countries’ vaccination programmes, the lockdowns could also drag on, delaying the expected economic recovery, the Commission argues.

What is behind the skyrocketing performance of Bitcoin?
What is behind the skyrocketing performance of Bitcoin?

What is behind the skyrocketing performance of Bitcoin?

Bitcoin has achieved an average performance of 142% p.a. in the past five years. Some criticise the high level of volatility but forget about the potential. Many wonder whether, after the dramatic increase, one could still enter the market or whether that ship has sailed. In the following article Crypto Asset Specialist Harald Egger discusses the reasons that have led to the rally of Bitcoin in recent months.

USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority
USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority
(c) Matt Johnson /

USA: Clear sailing for Joe Biden’s economic programme after winning Senate majority

After the Democrats’ success in the Senate run-off elections in the US State of Georgia, the party now has the de-facto majority in both chambers of Congress, and therefore US President-elect Joe Biden should soon have much more leeway for implementing his economic policy programmes.