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538 results for the topic "Markets"


Theranos: user-friendliness and/or technological progress
Theranos: user-friendliness and/or technological progress
(c) Andrej Sokolow / dpa /

Theranos: user-friendliness and/or technological progress

Theranos was founded in 2003 by Elizabeth Holmes. The rise and subsequent trouble of the laboratory diagnostics company illustrates that usability does not suffice for the success of product and business ideas if the technological progress cannot keep up.

20 Years of 9/11: Full Circle from Bush to Biden
20 Years of 9/11: Full Circle from Bush to Biden
(c) unsplash

20 Years of 9/11: Full Circle from Bush to Biden

Exactly 20 years ago, on 11 September 2001, the USA was shaken by the worst terrorist attacks in its history. The attacks on the World Trade Center in New York claimed the lives of 3,000 people. They changed world politics. The effects are still a big issue today – keyword Afghanistan.

European Forum Alpbach: Overcoming the Crisis with Energy Transition, Capital Markets Union and Digitalisation
European Forum Alpbach: Overcoming the Crisis with Energy Transition, Capital Markets Union and Digitalisation
Tyrol Ceremonyc_EFA / Matteo Vegetti

European Forum Alpbach: Overcoming the Crisis with Energy Transition, Capital Markets Union and Digitalisation

“The Great Transformation”: This was this year’s Forum Alpbach’s overarching motto for the talks and panel discussions among the assembled top politicians, economic leaders and scientists from around the world. Partly on-site and partly online, between 18 August and 3 September a total of 4,134 participants from 62 countries discussed possible ways out of the corona pandemic crisis and global future scenarios.

Tourism Industry on the Path to Recovery in Summer, but Pre-Crisis Level Still a Long Way Off
Tourism Industry on the Path to Recovery in Summer, but Pre-Crisis Level Still a Long Way Off
(c) Unsplash

Tourism Industry on the Path to Recovery in Summer, but Pre-Crisis Level Still a Long Way Off

The travel and tourism industry is continuing its recovery. The number of overnight stays increased noticeably in what is now the second Corona pandemic summer, and travel figures paint a similar picture. However, pre-Corona pandemic levels are still a long way off, and the recent strong spread of the delta variant of the virus is also an uncertainty factor.

Germany’s economy recovering from slump
Germany’s economy recovering from slump
(c) Unsplash

Germany’s economy recovering from slump

Germany’s economy is back on a growth path after the pandemic dip at the beginning of the year. While service providers and retailers benefit from the relaxation of the Corona measures, the industry is being held back by material shortages and supply bottlenecks. How does the German stock index (DAX) react?