Erste Asset Management


Short-term stabilisation on the financial markets  
Short-term stabilisation on the financial markets  

Short-term stabilisation on the financial markets  

After several “mini-shocks” throughout the year such as inflationary fears in the USA and a temporary crisis of trust in connection with Italian government bonds, quite a bit of uncertainty has already been priced into the market. Will the current phase, which is characterised by rising share and bond prices and that comes with credit risk be only a short-lived one? Or have the markets generally entered calmer waters?

Rising interest rates in the USA
Rising interest rates in the USA
(c) iStock

Rising interest rates in the USA

The sentiment of the financial market participants has deteriorated in the past months, with the losses across numerous asset classes in the year to date seemingly the driving factor. Now we have to ask ourselves: are we at the outset of a new trend, or is this just a case of increased volatility? The general decline in prices has gone in conspicuous tandem with the increase in three important financial market ratios: