The People’s Republic of China is one of the winners of globalisation – but the strong economic growth has also created asymmetries within the Chinese economy. Read more about how the “Made in China 2025”-strategy will help and what role the new silk road plays.

Urbanisation in Asia: challenge and opportunity
Asia’s cities are growing and growing, presenting the urban infrastructure with great challenges. Thanks to technical progress, the relevance of environmentally friendly transport solutions is on the rise. Investors can benefit from this trend, as Gabriela Tinti points out in an op-ed article for the magazine “Global Investor”.

China makes A-shares accessible to the global market
China has been increasingly opening up to the global market. Last year the Renminbi was taken into the currency basket of the International Monetary Fund in October 2016. Now, another step towards liberalisation has followed. China has cleared A-shares for international trade via trading platforms.

Brazilian equities are in demand
Brazil is locked into a severe recession in 2016, the year of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. After negative growth of 2.5% last year, the economy will be shrinking by more than 3% in 2016. Political crises and corruption scandals in connection with the oil company Petrobras have badly affected the country. But […]