Erste Asset Management Investment Blog

5 results for keyword "World Water Day"

Article on tag "World Water Day"

World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource
World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource
(c) unsplash

World Water Day: by far more than “just” a vital resource

On World Water Day today, we are publishing the water footprint of our sustainable funds for the seventh time. Problems such as water shortages and the decline in groundwater levels have now also reached Europe. This makes it all the more important for companies to use our water resources responsibly and manage water risks sustainably.

World Water Day 2018: Smoke on the water – the water footprint of sustainable investments
World Water Day 2018: Smoke on the water – the water footprint of sustainable investments
(c) iStock

World Water Day 2018: Smoke on the water – the water footprint of sustainable investments

The World Water Day was first introduced on 22 March 1993. The goal was to anchor the meaning of water and thus the efficient use of this critical resource in the collective consciousness. Despite the long history, the importance of water from the point of view of risk has only recently gained in relevance.